Coed Process Group Therapy
One of the main goals of being in an interpersonal group is to help members find out what gets in the way of achieving this alone. Frequently, we see that what blocks us in this area is related to our experiences in the first group we ever join - our family. A long term therapy group often recreates some of these experiences, and with the help of trained therapists, we can unravel the dynamics of our family of origin and are provided the chance to examine, work through and heal from things that block us from reaching our goals.
This is a co-led process group, facilitated by Oliver Drakeford and Evan Perlo. Research indicates that group members who participate in therapy groups with two leaders report greater benefit from treatment. Evan Perlo and Oliver Drakeford are trained group therapists and are faculty at the American Group Psychotherapy Conference 2019. They run process groups and multifamily groups in a residential treatment center and serve on the board of GPALA.
For more information contact WWW.OLIVERDRAKEFORD.COM/GROUP
Group Starts 12/11/18

930 S Robertson Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90035
For more information contact WWW.OLIVERDRAKEFORD.COM/GROUP