transformational relationship psychotherapy in west hollywood & los angeles
A family intensive program is a unique experience for your family that aims to provide you with powerful understanding of the family dynamics at play in your household and equip the family with tools to help you. While this can absolutely be achieved in weekly hour-long sessions, the intensive workshop can deliver the same impact in a shorter amount of time.
The workshop is catered to each family’s specific needs – perhaps you are feeling disconnected from a certain family member or want to understand how to help a teenager you’re living with in more effective ways. Other families may come to a workshop with a concern about a family member using substances or who is struggling with Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI), depression, or to work through conflict and help repair relationships.
Each family member is helped to identify areas they would like to work on and encouraged to express their needs and hopes while expressing and exploring any underling issues in a safe and structured way. This private program is built to meet your family’s specific needs.
The genogram is a much respected tool that can be used to understand patterns of triangulation and other trans-generational patterns of interacting that maybe impacting the family today.
Psychodrama Activities can provide powerful break-throughs to families and individual members who participate. Topics such as grief and repair can be worked through using this modality to great benefit.
Understanding the structure of the family is an essential first step for any systemically trained family therapist. Often a simple shift in the way the family is organized can impact the entire system positively.
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